Why 1.7 million Followers Choose Healthsharing

Why 1.7 million Followers Choose Healthsharing It’s hard for our brains to grasp the true size of 1.7 million. Just try to picture it: 1.7 million gumballs, held in the world’s largest gumball machine!  1.7 million Legos, probably spread across your living room floor in the middle of the night. 1.7 million individual dollar bills, […]

Discover Freedom Through Preventative Healthcare

Discover Freedom Through Preventative Healthcare In the maze of modern healthcare, where costs continue to steadily climb, one clear and rational path emerges: Preventative care. It’s more than just a buzzword tossed around by traditional health insurance, healthsharing companies, and health enthusiasts alike – it’s a transformative approach to maintaining well-being. Imagine shifting the odds […]

Red, White, and You

Red, White, and You Happy 4th! As you firm up your plans for the holiday weekend, we’ve collected a few fun ideas to get you and your crew outside and moving together. Regardless of your fitness level or the interests in your group, there’s an option for everyone to enjoy the benefits of the great […]

The Freedom Healthshare Gives You

July 4th is a time to celebrate freedom in so many ways—longer sunny days means more time to get outside and enjoy free time in the evenings, and for some the day off provides a needed break with family and friends. This time is a luxury provided by the freedom that our country gets to […]

Healthsharing vs. Health Insurance

We’ve all been there: The calendar flips to November, and instead of being able to enjoy the crisp fall weather with family and friends, you’re stuck inside reading reams of health insurance packets, trying to understand what coverage you need to keep your family safe and healthy while staying within your budget. Imagine bypassing the […]

WeShare 15 Ways to Celebrate Self-Improvement Month

WeShare 15 Ways to Celebrate Self-Improvement Month

Make it a priority in your life to grow!  Special Thanks to Guest Writer, Brittney Moses  Let’s be honest, you don’t need another national holiday to decide to improve the necessary areas of your life, but if you’re looking for thoughtful ways to get started this Self-Improvement Month, here are some ideas to consider!  Get […]

Alive for Christ in Allen, TX: Fall Christian Life Coaching Conference

Alive for Christ in Allen

Come Alive for Christ in Allen, Texas, with us:  2022 Fall Christian Life Coaching Conference   UHSM is a proud supporter and sponsor of the 2022 Fall Christian Life Coaching Conference, as a way of reaching, connecting, and communing in fellowship alongside the International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI) community. UHSM and the ICCI community are excited […]

5 Simple Ways to Add Gratitude to Your Daily Schedule

5 Simple Ways to Add Gratitude

World Gratitude day is Wednesday, September 21st, and to celebrate we are sharing about the benefits of practicing gratitude, and different exercises that you can include to make gratitude part of your daily schedule. Research shows that practicing gratitude regularly has benefits to our overall health and well-being. Practicing gratitude can mean different things to […]