Men’s Health Week – Preventative Awareness

Men’s Health Week – Preventative Awareness

There’s a common perception that men hate to go to the doctor and won’t go even when they aren’t feeling well. The theory has persisted for decades and is often the subject of banter and joking within families, but is the perception actually true? Unfortunately, an online survey among men ages 18 and older found that 72 percent of men would rather do household chores like mowing the yard or doing laundry than go to the doctor. Even for those men who take their health more seriously the survey showed that 20% of men admit to not being completely honest with their doctor when it comes to their health. Men’s Health Week is an initiative that brings awareness to men’s health and encourages them to make the health appointments they may be putting off.

Preventative Health Care for Men

These statistics are alarming because research studies show that being proactive about health and wellness, including accessing preventative services, is the key to living a long and healthy life. It is also an important component in keeping healthcare costs affordable. So, with this well-known information, why don’t more men access preventative care services? Here are some of the common reasons why:

  • Men will typically put work first and refuse to take off to visit the doctor. In the survey referenced earlier 61% of men said they would go for preventative care more often if they could access healthcare during non-traditional hours.
  • Men struggle with talking to healthcare professionals. They are more conditioned to stay quiet regarding health issues which could be putting their lives at risk.
  • Men don’t want to change their lifestyle due to health issues or hear that anything is wrong with their health.

Some men have the misconception that if they seem healthy, they don’t need to visit a doctor. But getting regular checkups and health screenings can catch many diseases in the early stages or before they develop.

Generally speaking, men in their 20’s and 30’s have fewer health issues than older men. Building healthy habits when you’re young can help you decrease your odds of developing health problems when you get older. Even if you don’t have any known health concerns, it’s still a good idea to visit a doctor for regular checkups.

Preventative Screenings for Men

In order to stay healthy, men need to be proactive and engaging in preventative actions. Preventative screenings that men need to stay healthy include:

  • Height and weight/Body Mass Index (BMI) screenings
  • Blood Pressure checks
  • Cholesterol screenings
  • Colorectal Cancer screenings
  • Prostate Cancer screenings
  • Age specific immunizations
  • Eye exams
  • Dental checkups

These preventative measures require seeing a physician on at least an annual basis, and sometimes even more often to monitor specific health conditions. The best way for men to maintain good preventative health is to establish a relationship with a primary care provider that they can trust and communicate openly with. UHSM has a large network of providers to choose from that can help men with their health needs. 

Additional Ways for Men to Stay Healthy

While you can’t control your genetics, taking charge of your overall health can help lower your risk of developing many more serious conditions down the line. External circumstances can impact happiness and health, it’s possible to develop habits that help improve your life. This can not only help boost mood but can also help for overall longevity.

In addition to preventative health screenings consider these simple tips to help you live a happier and longer life:

  • Eating a diet rich in fruits, veggies and lean meats
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Don’t smoke or chew tobacco
  • Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Limit stress and use coping methods such as meditation or counseling

UHSM Supports Men’s Preventative Health

UHSM makes it easy to access preventative care with a large network of doctors and DocDay/Telehealth perks. We’ve enlisted the PHCS®PPO Network, the largest independent network in the country, with 1,200,000+ doctors, hospitals and specialty providers. We know that the relationship between you and your doctor is vital. So, we contracted with the PHCS doctors who deliver next-level care, take the time to really listen, and work with you as your partner toward better health.

UHSM members have access to pre-negotiated pricing with CVS Caremark® – the largest pharmacy network with more than 68,000 retail locations nationwide including Costco, CVS, Kroger, Safeway, Target, Walgreens, Walmart and more.

UHSM Telehealth providers are available to members seven days a week and can be easily reached. Even in busy times, a board-certified physician will typically be able to get back to members within 30 minutes of a request for consultation. If medication is required, the provider can even submit a prescription to your local pharmacy. If labs or tests are needed, the telemedicine team can also order those.

Men’s Health Week

Men’s Health Week is June 13th – 19th, 2022. Men’s health awareness can mean many different things. It means raising awareness of making healthy lifestyle choices, making regular annual visits to the doctor, getting educated on heart disease or diabetes, starting general health conversations with their male friends, and much more.

Read more about Wear BLUE here.

Wear BLUE is sponsored by Men’s Health Network. Men’s Health Network is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men and their families with health awareness messages where they live, work, pray, and play.

Choose one day this week and wear blue to end the silence. Wear BLUE to make men aware!

This is a reminder to schedule your yearly wellness screenings and make preventative health a priority. Find a provider in our network.

Take charge of your health this Men’s Health Week! Schedule your yearly wellness screenings and make preventative health a priority. If you need assistance finding a provider or have any questions about accessing preventative care, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Visit our website and contact us today to take the first step towards a healthier you.

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